Sélection de signets en humanités numériques
Florilèges de projets
DH Awards
Digital Humanities Awards are a set of annual awards where the public is able to nominate resources for the recognition of talent and expertise in the digital humanities community. The resources are nominated and voted for entirely by the public. The weeding out by the nominations committee is solely based on the criteria of “Is it DH?”, “Is it in the right category?”, and “Was it launched/published/majorly updated in that year?”. These awards are intended as an awareness raising activity, to help put interesting DH resources in the spotlight and engage DH users (and general public) in the work of the community. Awards are not specific to geography, language, conference, organization or field of humanities that they benefit. Any suitable resource in any language or writing system may be nominated in any category. DH Awards actively encourages representation from more minority languages, cultures, and areas of DH. All nominated resources are worth investigating to see the range of DH work out there.
Associations et communautés
Forums et listes de discussion
- Digital Humanities Questions & Answers, a community-based Q&A board for digital humanities questions that need (just a little) more than 140 character answers.
- Humanist Discussion Forum, an international digital seminar on digital humanities, published by ADHO and affiliated with the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS).
- CoViSt Computer vision in visual studies
Digital Art History Society (DAH)
European Digital Art History Network
The future development of Digital Art History faces greater challenges than one single project or even one single country can tackle. Thus, after an initial meeting with fourteen European representatives from nine countries in Munich in late August 2018, we will be building a European Network for Digital Art History throughout 2019. Check back on this website for further information.
Humanistica, Association francophone des Humanités numériques/digitales
Humanistica est l’association francophone des humanités numériques/digitales. Elle cherche à réunir autour d’actions communes toutes les personnes intéressées par le mouvement des digital humanities telles qu’elles peuvent s’exercer et se penser en langue française.
Créé en juin 2014, Humanistica, Association francophone des Humanités numériques/digitales est une association sans but lucratif (AISBL) dont le siège se trouve à Bruxelles.
Société canadienne des Humanités numériques
La Société canadienne des Humanités numériques/Canadian Society of Digital Humanities a d’abord été connue sous le nom de Consortium pour ordinateurs en sciences humaines / Consortium for Computers in the Humanities (COSH/COCH), fondé en 1986 pour regrouper des représentants des collèges et universités canadiennes. Notre objectif est de rassembler les collègues engagés dans des activités d’enseignement, de recherche et de création en liaison avec des ressources numériques. Notre association encourage les travaux dans les deux langues officielles du Canada. Elle vise à renforcer les interactions entre les communautés anglophone et francophone dans tous les domaines, au plan des publications et des travaux en collaboration, en appuyant des événements d’envergure nationale et internationale et en jouant un rôle de conseil auprès des instances subventionnaires.
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) promotes and supports digital research and teaching across all arts and humanities disciplines, acting as a community-based advisory force, and supporting excellence in research, publication, collaboration and training.
Initiatives d’intérêt
Digital Medievalist
Digital Medievalist is an international web-based community for medievalists working with digital media. It was established in 2003 to help scholars meet the increasingly sophisticated demands faced by designers of contemporary digital projects. Digital Medievalist publishes an open access journal, sponsors conference sessions, runs an email discussion list and encourages best practice in digital medieval resource creation.
Implementing new knowledge environnements
The INKE Partnership is a collective of researchers and partners who are concerned with networked open social scholarship and the future of scholarly communication in the digital age. Networked open social scholarship involves creating and disseminating research and research technologies to a broad, interdisciplinary audience of specialists and non-specialists in ways that are both accessible and significant. It builds on a foundation of digital scholarship, social knowledge creation, open access, and digital humanities.
Digital Methods Initiative (DMI)
The Digital Methods Initiative is a contribution to doing research into the “natively digital”. Consider, for example, the hyperlink, the thread and the tag. Each may ’remediate’ older media forms (reference, telephone chain, book index), and genealogical histories remain useful (Bolter & Grusin, 1999; Elsaesser, 2005; Kittler, 1995). At the same time new media environments - and the software-makers - have implemented these concepts, algorithmically, in ways that may resist familiar thinking as well as methods (Manovich, 2005; Fuller, 2007). In other words, the effort is not simply to import well-known methods - be they from humanities, social science or computing. Rather, the focus is on how methods may change, however slightly or wholesale, owing to the technical specificities of new media.
Minimal Computing
We envision this web space as a place for thought pieces on minimal computing, examples and how-to pieces, listings of events and resources, and as a place to find collaborators. Please watch this space for further developments. The GO::DH Minimal Computing Working Group kickstarted itself into life with a workshop on July 8 at the DH2014 conference in Lausanne, Switzerland.
ADHO Special Interest Group AudioVisual Material in Digital Humanities (AVinDH). Our SIG AVinDH is meant to be a venue for exchanging knowledge, expertise, methods and tools by scholars who make use of audiovisual data types that can convey a certain level of narrativity: spoken audio, video and/or (moving) images.
Digging into Data Challenge
The Digging into Data Challenge aims to address how “big data” changes the research landscape for the humanities and social sciences. Now that we have massive databases of materials available for research in the humanities and the social sciences—ranging from digitized books, newspapers, and music to information generated by Internet-based activities and mobile communications, administrative data from public agencies, and customer databases from private sector organizations-—what new, computationally-based research methods might we apply? As the world becomes increasingly digital, new techniques will be needed to search, analyze, and understand these materials. Digging into Data challenges the research community to help create the new research infrastructure for 21st-century scholarship.
Digital Art History [Humanities Commons]
Digital humanities Slack
Centres de recherche et équipes
Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques (UdeM)
Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur les humanités numériques
The Digital Humanities Initiative (McGill)
Over the past several decades, advances in computing, data and information management, and archival techniques have greatly altered how humanities scholars approach their objects of study. In particular, over the past five years, the web 2.0 revolution has made these advancements more applicable than ever before to humanities research endeavours. Digital Humanities, however it is defined, can no longer be seen as a particular sub-set of humanistic research as it has become an increasingly integrated element within normative everyday humanities scholarship. Consequently, it includes more than text-encoding or image digitization and the creation of electronic archives. Rather, it is how such electronic media are used and studied by researchers in a wide array of projects from linguistic analyses to the changing realms of new media.
Digital Humanities @ Guelph
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (University of Victoria)
The Electronic Textual Cultures Lab (ETCL) (University of Victoria)
Digital humanities @ University of Toronto
Digital Humanities at the University of Toronto
Helsinki Center for Digital Humanities HELDIG
Columbia’s Group for Experimental Methods in the Humanities
The Digg art Artinterp
darc digital art history collaboratory at The University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus
Canadian Institute for Research in Computing and the Arts
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing (HCI)
Centres de recherche en histoire de l’art numérique
Cultural Analytics Lab
Digital Art History Lab (DAHL)
Duke’s Digital Art History & Visual Culture Research Lab
Apprentissages de base en informatique
Learn Enough Tutorials
Tech is the new literacy. Learning the basics of programming is only one piece of the puzzle. Learn Enough to Be Dangerous teaches to code as well as a much more powerful skill: technical sophistication.
Software Carpentry
Teaching basic lab skills for research computing
Data Carpentry
Library Carpentry
Interneting is hard
Friendly web development tutorials for complete beginners
MDN web docs
Des ressources pour les développeurs, par les développeurs.
Apache HTTP server project, Pour démarrer
Think Javascript
Think Julia: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Think Python, How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
Apprentissage des méthodes digitales pour les humanités
The Digital Humanities Literacy Guidebook
cf. http://scottbot.net/releasing-the-digital-humanities-literacy-guidebook/
Dariah DH teaching material
Programming Historian
We publish novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching. We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community of editors, writers, and readers.
DH101 - UCLA’s Intro to Digital Humanities Curriculum
Based on the Introduction to Digital Humanities (DH101) course at UCLA, taught by Johanna Drucker (with David Kim) in 2011 and 2012, this online coursebook (and related collection of resources) is meant to provide introductory materials to digital approaches relevant to a wide range of disciplines. The lessons and tutorials assume no prior knowledge or experience and are meant to introduce fundamental skills and critical issues in digital humanities
101 Digital Heritage Hacks That You Can Do At Home
Historical Methods
Digital history methods
Digital history methods can help historians understand and present the past by supplementing traditional techniques for reading historical sources like newspapers and runaway slave advertisements.
->Digital humanities
Computational Historical Thinking
Computational Historical Thinking is a textbook that teaches you how to identify sources and frame historical questions, then answer them through computational methods. These historical methods include exploratory data analysis, mapping, text analysis, and network analysis. These methods are taught using the R programming language, commonly used by digital historians and digital humanists. Chapters on individual methods ground you in particular approaches, and chapters on case studies of historical research walk you through the process of asking and answering computational history questions.
Lincoln A. Mullen, Computational Historical Thinking: With Applications in R (2018–): http://dh-r.lincolnmullen.com.
Getting start in Digital humanities
Digging Into Data collaboratory
Introduction to Methods for Digital Humanities
Introduction to Methods for Digital Humanities
This page surfaces the material for the “Introduction to methods for digital humanities” course taught at the University of Helsinki (note the definition of our digital humanities). The intention is for this material to eventually be usable for complete self study in addition to contact teaching. We’re not there yet though, so at present you the reader are responsible for sifting out the bits that are already usable without an accompanying lecture.
- https://github.com/jiemakel/dhintro/
- https://github.com/jiemakel/dhintro/blob/master/python_intro.ipynb
- The Ninch Guide to Good Practice in the Digital Representation and Management of Cultural Heritage Materials
A basic guide to digital art history
DH101 Miriam Posner
DH Toychest, Digital Humanities Resources for Project Building
Guides, tools, and other resources for practical work in the digital humanities by researchers, teachers, and students. Curated by Alan Liu, University of California, Santa Barbara. This selection is not intended to be comprehensive and is under continuous development. Selections are restricted to free tools or tools with generous trial periods.
The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook
The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide
Répertoires d’outils numériques
DIRT Directory
The DiRT Directory is a registry of digital research tools for scholarly use. DiRT makes it easy for digital humanists and others conducting digital research to find and compare resources ranging from content management systems to music OCR, statistical analysis packages to mindmapping software.
Discover research tools for studying texts.
A Digital Tool Box for Historians
DH Tools for Beginners
A collection of tutorials written for digital humanities novices. Got a favorite tool? Submit your tutorial!
Digital Methods Initiative Tools
Hackastory Tools
A handpicked list of tools and resources to help you build your digital story.
Setting up an environment for digital humanities computational work can be time-consuming and difficult. DH Box addresses this problem by streamlining installation processes and providing a digital humanities laboratory in the cloud through simple sign-in via a web browser.
Bibliographies collaboratives
Histoire de l’art numérique
- https://www.zotero.org/groups/525911/frick_art_reference_library_digital_art_history_lab
- https://www.zotero.org/groups/386064/gri-dah
- https://www.zotero.org/groups/356309/building_a_digital_portfolio_2015
- https://www.zotero.org/groups/313281/wired_lab_at_duke
- https://www.zotero.org/tjowens/items/collectionKey/PSK8H99U
- https://www.zotero.org/groups/digital_humanities
- https://www.zotero.org/groups/28897/digital_humanities_sources
Revues et publications
cf. https://adho.org/publications
cf. http://digitalhumanities.berkeley.edu/resources/digital-humanities-journals
Champ numérique/Digital studies
is a refereed academic journal focusing on digitally enabled scholarship, research, and pedagogy in the Humanities and Cultural Heritage domains. It is particularly encouraging to work approached from a multicultural, intersectional, or global perspective. The languages of record in DS/CN are French or English, but the journal has published articles in other languages with an English or French companion. All articles published by DS/CN are published under a Creative Commons 3.0 CC-BY license, and are compliant with most national and institutional Open Access mandates.
Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies
(no start date)
Computational Culture: A Journal of Software Studies
(no start date)
Computers in the Humanities Working Papers
“an interdisciplinary series of refereed publications on computer-assisted research” (1990s-2009)
Peer-reviewed, open access, online-only.
Cultural Analytics is a new journal dedicated to the computational study of culture. Its aim is to promote high quality scholarship that intervenes in contemporary debates about the study of culture using computational and quantitative methods. They are looking for articles that combine theoretical sophistication, computational expertise, and grounding in a particular field towards the crafting of novel, thought-provoking arguments. In combining the very best of the humanities and the social and computational sciences, Cultural Analytics aims to challenge disciplinary boundaries and serve as the foundational publishing venue of a major new intellectual movement.
an open-access peer-reviewed electronic journal from centerNet
since 2007 is an open-access peer-reviewed journal from ACH. Launched in 2007, DHQ publishes articles, reviews, case studies, and opinion pieces on all aspects of digital humanities, as well as guest-edited thematic and language-specific special issues.
DLS is an open-source international peer-reviewed interdisciplinary publication with a focus on those aspects of Digital Humanities primarily concerned with literary studies.
Since 2005
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (Oxford UP)
(formerly LLC: The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities) an international, peer-reviewed journal published by Oxford University Press on behalf of EADH and ADHO
A Digital Journal of Learning, Teaching, and Technology.
Peer-reviewed online journal specializing in new media criticism and net art
International Journal for Digital Art History
Depuis 2015
International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing
The International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing (formerly History and Computing) is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed forum for research on all aspects of arts and humanities computing.
Since 2011
Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Partly peer-reviewed, open access, online-only.
The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy publishes scholarship concerning critical and creative uses of digital technology in teaching, learning, and research. The content in each issue is peer-reviewed, but content in the Tool Tips, Teaching Fails, Assignments, Opinions, and Book Reviews sections is “peer reviewed” via comments on the piece after publication. Issues appear twice a year; other types of content appear throughout the year.
The Journal of Digital and Media Literacy publishes reasearch articles along with hybrid, mixed-media, digital projects, with the goal of examining the ways people use technology to create, sustain, and impact communities on local, national and global levels. The journal publishes:
Research articles (4000-5000 words)
Digital projects
Digital tool reviews (1000-1500 words)
Book reviews (1000-1500 words)
Voices from the field (1500-3000 words)
Open access, peer reviewed, online-only
Journal of Text Encoding Initiative
Official journal of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium
the official journal of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium
Literary and Linguistic Computing
International journal on all aspects of computing and information technology applied to literature and language research and teaching.
a free electronic journal published by McMaster University (the latest issue dates from 2007)
Voir https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/digital-humanities
Livres et collections
- Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Literary Studies
- Blackwell’s Companion to Digital Humanities
- Topics in the Digital Humanities, a book series from the University of Illinois Press
- Debates in the Digital Humanities, eds. Mathew K. Gold, Lauren F. Klein, University of Minnesota Press
- Digital Research in the Arts & Humanities, series eds. Marilyn Deegan, Lorna Hughes, Andrew Prescott, Harold Short